Monday, May 18, 2015

TextView in android


   The topic I am going to explain here is TextView. Text view is a small view that is used to show a simple text in an Android Application. TextView can be modified according to the need of the application. For example: If someone want to change the color, size and font etc. of the text.

Here are some properties of TextView.

       Set Width of TextView
·         Wrap_content : width equals to the text in the textview.
·         Match_parent:  Width equals to the width of parent layout of textview.  


        Set height of TextView

       Set Text Color 
·         #ffffff : color code for white color
·         @color/white: if defined in color.xml
·         @android:color:  use OS defined color.


Set TextSize: 
Set Text style 
 android:textStyle="bold"  or italic etc.


Apply External Font in Text:

Typeface type = Typeface.createFromAsset(getAssets(),"fonts/Helvetica.ttf");
TextView tv = (TextView) findViewById(;
Define TextView in XML

Use TextView in Java class file.

                                TextView text=(TextView)findViewById(;

                 text.setText("This is the sample text...");
    Above is the way to use Textview in android.
      # Create the object of TextView Class:
                 TextView text;
      # Get id of Textview defined in the xml file.


     # Set the text that you want to show in TextView:

            text.setText("This is the sample text...");

This way you can use the TextView in your.

This is all about TextView


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